my promise to you

Hi Kek!
This is my promise 
I made a story about you

-You, my chat buddy, my x-close boyfriend, my flirty fellow (if I can say so)-

We knew each other for almost one and a half year ago. We met in a unique situation. At first, I didn’t like you at all. To me, you we’re a player. But after month and month conversation, I changed my perception about you. To me, you’re smart, funny, and loving. I admit I love your personality. I mean it, really. 

And now, between you and me have a new kind of relationship. A relationship between brother and sister, and I love it. You can share your story, so can I. No more awkward feeling rite??

Now, through this post I want you to keep your promise to me. Stop smoking that f*cking cigarette, ok?? For your own sake. 

p.s. let bee always be mystery ok?? 

5 komentar:

mr.snugglemars mengatakan...


love your post..

(it's not becase your word, that you love my personality.. ah, ok, maybe a little bit because of that..hehe)

20 Mei 2009 pukul 09.44  
Bee mengatakan...

i knew it kek!!you'll love my post..heheh

aahhh, not a beautiful wednesday today!cheer me up kek...

20 Mei 2009 pukul 10.24  
mr.snugglemars mengatakan...


what do u want me to do...

punch that old stupid guy?

20 Mei 2009 pukul 10.33  
Bee mengatakan...

please do so..i'd be very happy if you do that for me...

20 Mei 2009 pukul 10.39  
mr.snugglemars mengatakan...

hold the tempered...


20 Mei 2009 pukul 11.31